Human Resources Issues for California Employers

It is key for HR to promote a climate of calm while also engaging leadership to respond with timely, accurate, assertive, clear, and consistent communication from all levels of the organization. In addition, communication needs to be honest, open, and as transparent as possible to maintain credibility. Staff is a company’s most valuable asset, and it is HR’s responsibility to remember and reinforce that throughout the organization.

COVID-19 Weekly Digest - July 01, 2020

In the six months since the coronavirus began spreading around the world, doctors have learned many lessons. However, some unknowns remain, such as the long-term effects of COVID-19 infections and how long it will take patients to recover. A big surprise to medical professionals was how widely asymptomatic carriers could spread the virus. With most other diseases, carriers are most contagious when they show symptoms, but with the novel coronavirus, asymptomatic carriers have been a surprisingly potent source of new infections.