COVID-19 Weekly Digest (November 18, 2020)

COVID-19 Weekly Digest (November 18, 2020)

A common criticism of the various safety precautions to reduce the spread of COVID-19 is that none of them is 100% perfect. But, as this article in the Wall Street Journal explains, maybe a “Swiss cheese model” made up of various imperfect layers will be enough to keep us safe. Even the best vaccines aren’t perfect, and it may be as long as a year before one is widely available to all who want it. In the meantime, a multipronged approach combining the individual actions of frequent handwashing, wearing masks, and staying home in conjunction with the public actions of thorough cleaning, banning large gatherings, closing borders, and mandatory closures should help mitigate the spread. With enough layers in place, that may just be enough to keep us safe and prevent drastic shutdowns.


Another stimulus bill?

With the pandemic surging across the country and hospitals at or near capacity, all sides acknowledge the need for an additional round of support. However, neither side is willing to budge on their priorities. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has signaled support for a smaller package while Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi continues to push for a larger package.


Each state in the U.S. has its own income tax laws, which means that remote workers who live and work in a different state than their employer may owe tax in a new state. However, according to a recent poll by the American Institute of CPAs, more than 71% of respondents were unaware of that impact. Nearly half (47%) were unaware that each state has different laws related to remote workers, and 54% were unaware that the number of days spent in a state could impact how much tax they owe to a state. Employees working remotely in a different state than their employer should notify their employer as soon as possible when they change location, and should also track the number of days they spend in each state.

Researchers at Deutsche Bank have proposed a novel tax to be imposed on those who choose to work from home outside of periods of pandemic lockdowns. The proceeds of this tax would support those who are unable to work from homes, such as restaurant and retail workers. This tax, to be levied at 5% per day, would be paid by employers who do not provide a permanent desk for workers, or by employees who have the option to return to the office but who choose not to. For an average U.S. salary of $55,000, this would be about $10 per day, which is approximately equivalent to the amount saved when employees do not pay for commuting, lunch, and dry cleaning or when employers do not pay for additional cleaning.


Running a business from home during the pandemic may mean juggling childcare, schooling, and work, as these eight entrepreneur moms profiled in Forbes describe. Among their coping strategies are detailed weekly planning meetings for the family, bringing in outside babysitters, removing all TVs from the home, moving to a new home closer to other families, and simply accepting that less work will get done.

While productivity has been up since the pandemic sent many employees home, innovation has been down, according to research from the Wharton School of Business. Companies tend to be more cautious during uncertain times, but the lack of face-to-face contact is having a bigger impact on innovation. They explain that three simple steps can help companies improve collaboration. 

  • Provide access to a wide variety of collaboration tools beyond Zoom and email so that employees can find what works best for them. 

  • Train employees how to work remotely as this is not an inherent skill. 

  • Establish a consistent routine of connecting with all team members, perhaps with a weekly meeting or regular one-on-one reviews.

Groupthink, where everyone falls into a complacent routine of allowing one or two individuals to control the discussion, can be more prevalent in an all-digital workplace, according to an article in Fast Company. Zoom meetings can be exhausting, and without the usual body language cues to alert each other that we’re not all on the same page, it’s easy to assume that all are in agreement. A few tips to minimize groupthink include:

  • Rotating hosts on Zoom meetings

  • Having separate conversations with quieter team members 

  • Coming to meetings prepared with questions and details of deliverables


Work in the post-pandemic world

Before the pandemic, white-collar companies didn’t have to worry much about workplace safety. That’s now changed, as office-based employers have a new array of safety regulations from OSHA, the CDC, and local health authorities to comply with. These regulations range from the simple, such as wearing masks and enforcing social distancing, to details about drinking fountains and how to track employees’ health records. Complying with these safety regulations not only keeps employees safe but can also help to ward off workman’s compensation claims when employees fall ill from the virus.

For highly collaborative companies, working from home can be too great an obstacle to continue. That’s why the owner of a toy company, Basic Fun eventually required all employees to return to work in the office. Jay Foreman carefully evaluated and implemented the CDC’s guidance to create the safest workplace possible. Everyone entering the building wears a mask, workstations are separated, and small group gatherings require masks. Eventually, all but one employee returned to work.

COVID-19 Weekly Digest (November 25, 2020)

COVID-19 Weekly Digest (November 25, 2020)

COVID-19 Weekly Digest (November 11, 2020)

COVID-19 Weekly Digest (November 11, 2020)