COVID-19 Weekly Digest (January 27, 2021)

COVID-19 Weekly Digest (January 27, 2021)

For many of us, it was our networks that helped us get through the last year. That was one of the lessons that Ivan Meisner, founder of BNI, learned from 2020. He also learned the value of limiting exposure to bad news by picking up what he needed to know from news apps. One business owner struggled with the stress of working from home while overseeing remote schooling for his children until he switched his perspective to the opportunity of spending time with his children. Entrepreneurs who used fear to inspire focus transformed their fear into focus, which helped them survive and thrive during difficult times.

Reflecting on lessons learned can help us avoid making the same mistakes again and can help us to be proactive in creating a better tomorrow.


Economic Impact Payments

The IRS quickly geared up for the second round of $600 stimulus payments and sent out money in record time. But some people are still waiting for that payment. This article from CNet lays out the different scenarios and offers helpful tips on what to do if the IRS Get My Payment tool says your payment was mailed out weeks ago, but you still haven’t received it. If it’s been more than four weeks since your payment was mailed, you may need to ask the IRS to track it down, as described in this article. You can find more information on the current round of payments by checking the IRS Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re eligible for a payment, but don’t receive it by the end of January, you may have to claim it as a Recovery Rebate Credit on your 2020 tax return. If you’re eligible for a bigger payment than you received, you can claim the difference on your 2020 tax return.

What about the next round of $1,400 payments in Biden’s stimulus plan? The Senate already has a full plate, with hearings for cabinet secretaries and an impeachment trial. President Biden wants to prioritize this, so those may go out as soon as February, but possibly not until March or April if ultimately approved by Congress.

Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)

The SBA has been busy issuing guidance for the new round of payments through the PPP. As described in the Journal of Accountancy, guidance is out for:

Borrowers who received less than $150,000 can now apply for forgiveness with a new one-page form from the SBA, Form 3508S. This new form asks for the amount of loan proceeds spent on eligible expenses and the amount of the loan as well as asking loan recipients to certify that they complied with the requirements of the program and that they are providing correct information. Applicants do not need to provide any documentation but need to retain it in case of an audit or review by the SBA.

More details are available on the SBA website.


Will your stimulus payments increase the tax on your Social Security benefits? No, they will not, because they are not considered to be taxable income.

If you pulled money out of a retirement account to help you weather 2020, you may be eligible for tax relief. The usual 10% penalty on early withdrawals has been waived, and you have three years to repay the amount withdrawn. Even if you don’t put the cashback, you have three years to pay the additional income tax on the amount withdrawn. If you plan on repaying the amount you pulled out, it may be prudent to pay the tax on 1/3 of the amount withdrawn, and then request a refund by amending your return later.


Can your employer force you to get the COVID-19 vaccine? The answer is yes, but there are some exceptions. People with certain medical conditions or religious objections can opt-out, but that may mean that they will be required to work from home or take a leave of absence to protect others at the same workplace.

Working from home

We’ve all been on far more Zoom calls in the last year than in all previous years. This article in Forbes outlines four pointers for making yourself appear more professional.

  1. Prepare a space with good lighting, earbuds, or a headset, and position yourself so your head appears in the center of the screen.

  2. Remove distractions by keeping pets and family members out of the room and leave a note for delivery people to either not ring the doorbell or to come back later.

  3. Get your electronics ready. Connect directly to your router if your wi-fi is unreliable and make sure everything is charged before you start. Put a clock where you can see it to keep track of time.

  4. Present a professional appearance. A suit or formal workwear isn’t required, but a neat appearance is.

Working from home will be part of the norm for the foreseeable future, so we might as well make the best of our online meetings.

We sincerely hope that you and your family are well and remain well. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are all in this together!

COVID-19 Weekly Digest (February 3, 2021)

COVID-19 Weekly Digest (February 3, 2021)

COVID-19 Weekly Digest (January 20, 2021)

COVID-19 Weekly Digest (January 20, 2021)