Unemployment and COVID-19: Look at the Positive, Emotionally and Financially

Unemployment and COVID-19: Look at the Positive, Emotionally and Financially

So, you are currently unemployed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The good news: about half the world is in the same situation. The bad news, about half the world is in the same situation and also looking for work. While there are a lot of people panicking out there, and everything is feeling like there is no end to this situation, I have news for you: there is an end, most likely in the near future. 

While that might not help you this second, you should remember that you cannot control the pandemic or how everyone is panicking. You can only control your own personal reaction. To that end, there are a few things that you can do right now to try and take control of your situation. 

Our guide to being unemployed:

  • Take a deep breath and do your best to stay calm. Panicking leads to faulty thinking, which leads to impaired decision making

  • Check and see what the Federal Government is doing to help. Right now, that is not as much as it could be. Do not despair. The legislation is ongoing.

  • Check and see what your State and Local Government (your town or county) is doing to help.

  • Definitely apply for Unemployment. There is absolutely no shame in losing your job at the moment. Even if you are somehow morally opposed to government handouts, consider that we are in extraordinary times and this is not the time to be proud. It is about survival. 

  • While you might think this is the worst thing that has ever happened, this might be an opportunity for you to think about your career and if this is truly where you want to be at this juncture of your life.

  • Think about adding a skill to your skillset. Have you wanted to brush up on your French but did not have time? Why not sign up with Duolingo? They have a free version and about 20 different languages you can learn, including Japanese, Latin, and even Klingon! Pro tip: Use a laptop or desktop if you can. It is much easier to type out the phrases on a keyboard rather than your phone.

  • There are many online learning venues you can explore and most of them offer some free version of their classes. Want to learn more about programming? Codeacademy or Treehouse are good options. 

  • LinkedIn also offers courses built into the cost of their Professional subscription. What’s good about this is that as soon as you finish their classes, you can post it on your profile so employers can see you are handling this crisis in a professional manner.

How You Can Make This Disaster into an Opportunity? 

If you have a hobby, maybe you could open up a shop on Etsy and start selling your products. Now is the perfect time to start an online business. Venues like Etsy are free. It only costs $.20 to list an item for sale. That is not a very steep investment. The only thing you have to lose is…$.20, or you might gain an additional $50 to $500 a month in income. It is up to you.

If you have been meaning to get into better shape, there should be nothing stopping you from doing some yoga or pilates at home. Or go for a walk outside, just please wear a mask and remember to practice social distancing.

Finally, make sure to touch base with your current and former business contacts. You never know what sort of opportunities might arise after a conversation about the state of the world today. Who knows, you might just end up inventing something that makes the post COVID-19 world a better place, and become financially independent to boot.

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